Saint by Ted Dekker

A helpful tip about this book that I learned from experience, is that although the story stands on it's own there's definite ties to Showdown an early book by Dekker. I was so anxious to read this latest thriller that I didn't realize that it had a correlation to Showdown and found out that I should have picked up Showndown first. It would be my recommendation to read Showdown before Saint since Saint refers to it often.
I received this book from my wife for Christmas and lost some sleep getting caught up in late nights in the suspenseful story line of this book. Dekker has a way of writing an allegorical story without patronizing the reader. I'm not the quickest in picking up the story behind the story or understanding the bigger meaning but in reflection I believe that one of the things that this story covered was the importance of understanding oneself and each persons contributions to the truth found in the Lord. I particularly liked how the story unfolded and revealed the true nature of the assassin training given to the main character. Without spoiling the story line, I really think that Dekker understands that his audience is largely Christian and I think he plays a lot with ethical norms and just when you think he's about to cross the line things seem to line up differently then expected. I like how Dekker cleverly nods to the Christian tradition by inserting basic Bible school theology like the one he makes with the story of Samson and the abilities of the main character. Dekker also pays homage to his colleague Frank Peretti (and co-author on House) which is one of the aspects I really enjoy about reading Dekker's books.
One word of caution: I would give this book, as I would with most of Dekker's books, a PG-13 rating for violence. The subject matter of the book follows assassins and one of the main villain's of the story is rather ruthless.
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