A Case for Christmas by Lee Stroble

This is another book in the list of Case for... series by Lee Stroble which explores the evidence to support the Biblical accounts of the Christmas story.
Like my other Christmas book reviews this is another short read and easy to pick up during the busy holiday season. For those who have never read one of Lee's books, this is a great introduction to his apologetic works. Lee speaks with easy interviewing style narratives and engages the reader with well researched and authoritative references.
Some readers maybe furstrated that this book is a subset of the Case for Christ book, but I would appeal that this is a Christmas holiday centered book and a good reminder of the apologetic arguments which are relevent to the season.
In many ways, Lee's books are really geared for Christians affirming their faith. In this respect, the arguments Lee presents are put in plan understandable terminology and lend to the reader enough information to research further if needed. Another aspect of Lee's books is that it may help lead an agnostic or someone on the fence to Christ, but those not believing the Gospel message will have issue with the use of "experts" clearly on the side of Christianity. Rather than getting an opinion from both sides, Lee's approach is making the assumption that the arguments for not believing the Christmas story (or anything Biblical for that matter) are already evident in the world and he approaches his sources with those arguments and asks his sources to rebutt them. With this in mind, I think the greatest strength of Lee's books is in the fact that he has sought out experts specific to the area of study of each argument. These sources then use sound critical analysis and verifiable evidence to support their beliefs and opinions.
In otherwords, I think you're either going to agree or disagree with Lee Stroble and I think most of that will have to do with your position prior to picking up the book. Likewise, this is a great gift idea for those curious about the facts or details of Christmas and those looking for a solid foundation for explaining the faith that is within themselves.
15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." - 1 Peter 3:15-16
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